Before starting any project, it’s important to look at the big picture.
Think about what the end result is and what the process will entail.
Whether you’re completing a task or an experiment, consider what you want to learn from the process.
If you fail, then at least you’ll know what went wrong and how to fix it.
Before you start any new project, make sure you’ve defined what the objectives are.
The first step to any project is research.
Make sure you understand what you’re working on and how much you’ll have to invest.
Be prepared for a project to take more time and resources than you initially anticipated.
It’s also important to determine how much funding you’ll need.
The more you know, the more focused your work will be.
Identify any risks or threats and make sure you’re prepared.
Plan your project’s scope with Kanban Zone.
You can’t begin a project without defining its scope, but a good plan will give you a sense of direction.
Once you’ve defined what the project’s scope is, you’ll be able to manage it.
It will help you get your team to agree on what’s expected and will ensure that the project is a success.
If you’re unsure how to plan, use the checklist to make sure you’re prepared.
Your budget.
While starting any project can be exciting, it will also take a lot of time.
You’ll have to devote time to reviewing, preparing, and working on it.
There will likely be bumps in the road, so you’ll need to make sure everything is planned and budgeted.
Keeping a project schedule can be stressful and even dangerous, but it’s the only way to ensure that your project is a success.
The purpose of the project.
While starting a project, you’ll need to have a clear understanding of what your objective is.
If the goal of the project is to improve a certain process or change a company’s strategy, this is essential.
Regardless of your goals, a good plan will ensure that your team is on track for a successful outcome.
You’ll want to make sure that everything is on target before starting the work.
The scope of the project.
A project can take many forms.
You may need to hire a professional to carry out the work for you.
You can also hire a freelancer to do the work for you.
When you’re planning a project, you’ll want to decide how to allocate the time.
Once you’ve decided on the scope, determine the timeline.
Once you’ve defined the scope, you can set the budget and focus on the project’s goals.
Clarify the purpose of the project.
The goal of the project should be clear to all employees.
If the goal is to improve the performance of a product, you’ll need to improve a company’s productivity.
By clearly defining the purpose of a project, you’ll be able to motivate your team.
After all, the purpose of the project is the best thing for your team to work toward, but it can also be the most difficult.
You’ve decided to take on a project.
The excitement of launching a project is exciting, but the work will take a long time to complete.
The project will require a lot of work and effort on your part.
Before starting, be sure to check all the items on the checklist and make sure all the people involved are committed to the task.
You can use this information to make changes later on.
The information you gather will also help you manage the project better.
It’s important to understand the cost of the project.
There are several things to consider when starting a project.
It’s important to understand how much you’re willing to spend.
Often, it’s hard to predict the end result of a project.
It’s critical to have a detailed understanding of the process before launching it.
A well-planned project can help you avoid mistakes and keep your team happy.…
We all know how important marketing is to the success of a business.
Marketing makes lots of money for big companies, but lots of small businesses struggle with it.
Not because they don’t have the budget, but because they just don’t know what to do.
That’s where this article comes in; if you’re looking for some easy to follow advice on marketing your business, look no further than these 7 steps:
1) Make sure that people can find you.
This might seem obvious, but there are plenty of businesses out there that don’t do it.
You can set up a website and get on Google pretty easily these days, so do it.
2) Spend some time really thinking about your target market and what you’re going to sell them.
If you just decide on something quickly and change it later when you find out it’s not working then this is a waste of time.
Also, try and figure out if the thing that you want to sell them is to solve one of their problems or make their life easier in any way at all because if it doesn’t then nobody is going to buy from you regardless of how good the price is.
Once again, this might feel obvious, but I’ve seen plenty of businesses that start this way and it’s a terrible idea.
3) Give them discounts.
Once you’ve made sure that people know where to find you, make sure they know what it’s worth to them too.
If the product/service is solving one of their problems or making their lives easier then there should be some sort of reward for buying it from you instead of searching elsewhere.
4) You need to figure out how much your product/service will cost you to provide, and then work out how much profit you want to make on each sale.
This is going to determine how much money you’re going to spend on marketing because regardless of whether it’s free or not if nobody has heard about your business somehow then it’s not going to work.
5) What we’ve covered so far is the pre-marketing of your business, and that’s really important because you can get started straight away with it.
Now I’m going to get into the bare bones of how you get people to hear about who you are and hopefully buy from you.
Once you’ve got the ball rolling it’s time to keep it going.
You need to keep making new content so that Google keeps ranking your business page higher than competitors, which should hopefully translate to more customers.
There are lots of ways to do this too; video reviews, blogging about your industry, or telling stories on social media will all help you get heard, additional hints.
When somebody does buy from you make sure that they’re satisfied with their purchase and become a loyal customer by offering great service after the sale.
Also, make sure that they know how grateful you are for them buying something from you!
6) Identify where all of your potential customers spend their time online; website listings, forums, Twitter etcetera and then try and find them there.
This will be a lot easier than trying to send everyone everywhere at once so don’t be afraid to keep working on this until it’s worked out too because it’ll pay off in the long run.
7) Make sure that you maintain all of these things and keep them up to date because if you stop for too long then everything falls down around you.
I hope you find it useful.
Happy marketing!…
Over the past few years, Instagram has evolved into one of the most popular social media platforms on the internet.
Today, with over 80 million businesses using Instagram alone to promote their products and services, it’s obvious that social media reaches far beyond personal use.
Businesses large and small are taking full advantage of this massive audience by advertising their goods and services directly to potential customers through carefully crafted posts on Instagram every day.
What many people don’t realize is that they too can tap into this wealth of opportunity by starting an account dedicated to promoting their business through images.
If you’re thinking about becoming part of the huge Instagram influencer trend but you’re not sure where or how to begin, then look no further!
We’ll show you exactly what you need to do in order to become an Instagram influencer and start making money as a result.
As with most online endeavors, the first step is always creating a great account.
In this case, it’s important that you have a solid theme for your page and it’s also critical that you create a good profile name.
This doesn’t have to be anything complicated or difficult but, at the same time, choose something that will easily identify with your business.
For example: [‘Your Business Name Here’].com/yourbusiness
Once you’ve chosen an appropriate username, it’s time to upload some high-quality images of your products.
It goes without saying that these images should look amazing, so invest wisely.
Try not to go overboard with size or color unless you’re certain that the photo is going to benefit from it.
After uploading all of your perfect images, it’s time for step two: Engagement!
You can’t expect people to start following or liking your posts if they don’t even know you exist so the best thing to do is use hashtags related to your products and services, learn more here!
But try not to be spammy about it – Nobody likes a ‘thumber’.
Once you’ve found some relevant hashtags, come up with an engaging bio that tells everyone who’s looking at your page just what kind of business you’re running.
This means no generic “I’m out here grinding” lines; No one cares.
Finally, include links in your bio to your social media pages such as Twitter and Facebook.
This will make it much easier for potential customers to find out more about you while they’re still browsing your posts.
Before you know it, you’ll have an Instagram page that’s ready for the world – Now all that’s left is to build a following!
The next step is to post consistently topical content that generates interest in what you have to offer so get started on it right away.
Once again, this doesn’t mean spamming people with dozens of photos per day but try not to go weeks without posting anything either.
Once your audience starts growing, other businesses will begin noticing how engaging your posts are which will give them confidence when they decide whether or not to work with you and there’s nothing wrong with reaching out to them directly.
One way to do this is by hiring a staff member just for making contacts.
This is especially useful when you’re trying to build connections with bigger companies so the more effort you put into it, the better your chances will be.
Another great tactic is finding affiliate programs that offer high value for low risk so join as many of them as possible and follow all of their rules in order to increase your chances for success.
If all goes well, then before long, you’ll start to generate income from your Instagram account!
Now that we’ve covered how to become an Instagram influencer and make money let’s take a look at some other ways in which social media can help anyone succeed.
The Power of Social Media in Business
Businesses have been using social media for years now and it’s been more or less a raging success.
Some say that online networking has created a far more dynamic business environment which has led to more opportunities, better customer service, and increased exposure across the board.
In short: It’s created a lot of revenue.
One recent survey revealed that 92% of entrepreneurs believe their businesses would succeed if they had access to better tools so don’t hesitate to take advantage of this!
A quick search on Google will yield dozens of social media software options – Many for free!
That simplifies tasks such as scheduling updates, monitoring mentions, and analyzing engagement among other things.…
The real-time strategy genre of games seems to be at something of a crossroads.
While the relentlessly clonelike feel of many of the Command and Conquer spinoffs of a few years back has thankfully lessened, the number of truly innovative games seems to be waning, as well.
The baseline quality of these games is rising, but on the other hand, the creativity and simplicity that are both required for a truly great title seem to be lacking.
From the creativity (and concomitant complexity) of Empire Earth to the unabashedly derivative Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, recent entries seem to be searching for that magical “something” – that balance, that vision, that story – that made Homeworld and Starcraft so memorable.
One of the earliest developers to explore the genre, and one many (mistakenly) believe to have originated it, is Blizzard Entertainment.
Warcraft II is a game known to practically every computer gamer alive over the age of 20, and its follow-up, Starcraft, established a fan base that even now – four years after its release – is simply unbelievable.
With every release Blizzard has further cemented themselves as the genre’s 500-lb. gorilla, and the fan reaction to their newest work, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, hasn’t been so much a question of whether it’ll be worth buying so much as if they’ll be glad they bought it afterward.
The game was destined to be a smash hit, failure or not—the question really is, will Blizzard keep it up, or will they stumble down the lonely road to obscurity Lucasarts paved a few years back?
“Difficult to see the future is,” maybe, but all the same it seems likely that Warcraft III will continue to strengthen Blizzard’s stature among gamers.
While it’s not particularly revolutionary, Warcraft III is still a potent mix of characterization, gameplay, and balance, something close to the pc version of Warpath.
It’s almost good enough to make even discussing its merits and flaws such a waste of time, in fact, since it’s effectively covering so much familiar ground.
For those of you who didn’t already know what you were getting into, however…
Set 13 years after the events in Warcraft II’s expansion pack, Through the Dark Portal, the game starts in an idyllic human camp, with two longtime friends joking with one another.
The story that the game goes on to tell from such a humble start is truly epic, and destruction, betrayal, and revenge are recurring themes throughout the piece.
With yet another nod to Tolkein, the game insists on leaving nothing in the game world as it was before the start of the story, and it leaves the player feeling like he or she has actually gone from place to place with the game.
Hoping to improve on the success of Starcraft’s three balanced sides, there are now four playable sides, with the fifth group of powerful villains only usable by the AI.
The two new sides, the Undead Scourge and the Night Elves, both have elements of the Protoss and Zerg to them, and while special care has been given to each race to make them more unique (gone are the identical human footmen and orc grunts,) they still don’t feel as distinct as Starcraft’s Big Three.
While each race rewards particular styles of play, they just don’t require it the way the earlier game did.
The interface, as mentioned above, remains essentially unchanged from earlier games.
Left-click selects, right-click for action, and no groups larger than twelve.
However, whereas previous Blizzard RTS installments tried to continually increase the size of the armies one could field, Warcraft III stands as a stark departure from this trend.
Past armies of forty, one’s economy is penalized, and nobody can field a basic army of ninety units all told.
When compared to Starcraft’s 200 units, the look and feel of Warcraft III is a definite shift towards the individual.
This shift is most strongly felt in the nature of the individual units in combat.
Many units have special abilities, and while some of those abilities can be auto-activated (such as the human priests’ heal skill,) the majority of them must be individually triggered.
These potentially game-changing special abilities, coupled with certain high-damage, low-hit point heroes, make micromanagement more important to this game than to any Blizzard product before it with the possible exception of the Diablo games.
The story is a grim, sweeping tale of otherworldly, demonic invaders told through 32 missions almost evenly divided among the four sides.
As mentioned above, betrayal, deceit, and revenge are rife, and for having as friendly, almost cartoony a look as the game does, the single-player campaign is chillingly serious.
This gives the game a certain lopsidedly disarming quality; as dark as some of the settings get, one can still click like mad on one character and earn a bizarrely hilarious response.
While smaller developers have tried more extreme measures to attract attention to their games, like the Kohan series’ tactical gameplay innovations and Battle Realms’ surreal game world, one thing that stands out about Warcraft III in many ways is how very straightforward it is.
The game world is established, the interface is tried and true, the off-the-wall sense of humor remains, and the 3D graphics are still familiar.
At the same time, it’s hard to shake the feeling that this isn’t really all that different a game from the previous entries, and not necessarily the best.
If you have the desire to return to a land where orcs were green, the skeletons were white, and elves occasionally came in purple, it’s tough not to recommend it.
It’s probably already in every RTS fan’s library anyway, and it should be.
Blizzard has done it again!…
If you are new to the whole YouTube and TikTok phenomenon then you may not be aware of the name Jordan T. Fite.
He is an entertainer from California known best for his viral videos.
He was a contestant on season 3 of MTV’s reality show Survivor.
As you may not know, he also owns a skateboarding company called The Outcasts.
And in addition to being a performer and musician, Jordan T. Fite is also an expert online surfer and has written several articles in relation to surfing tips.
So how do you get more YouTube views on your website or blog?
Well, one way is to create great content that will draw viewers to your site.
Like many of us, you probably already know that it is not easy to write or publish new content on the Internet.
The search engines also can make it difficult to obtain high-ranking keywords for your pages.
Therefore, it is imperative that you try to find other avenues of getting free or cheap video content to add to your site.
One great way for you to obtain free or cheap video content is to make videos for social media.
Believe it or not, many and vlog creators use their videos to promote their social media accounts.
Therefore, if you want to drive more views to your site, you should consider following these people and posting your videos on their social media pages as well – reference.
You can find followers on Twitter and Facebook very easily and this will help you obtain even more followers and thus free or cheap video views.
Another great way to drive traffic and get free or cheap video views is to find and create mini-blogs revolving around popular, current topics and then posting your videos on them.
The great thing about blogging is that, if you are using a popular keyword in your blog post, it is likely to show up in the search engine results.
Therefore, you should aim to create as much traffic as possible to your mini-blog as soon as possible and start driving free or cheap video views to your website.
The YouTube creators are already doing this so why shouldn’t you?
One last way to use YouTube and Blogs to build an audience is to turn your blog into a mini-site dedicated to your chosen niche and submitting to several free blog directories.
By doing this, you can submit your own video as well as submit links to your TikTok videos every single day.
If you are targeting the North American audience, you should be submitting to at least four different blog directories.
If you have successfully created a TikTok blog, then you should be submitting it to GoDaddy as well as three other general-purpose blog directories.
The combination of these directories can create a massive amount of traffic to your website, which will ultimately result in increased sales.
Another way that you can use YouTube and Blogs to increase your online business is to launch a simple app.
As soon as you create a few episodes of your TikTok shows, or you decide to create a short quiz show for your app, you should immediately launch a promotional app to promote the new content.
The purpose of the app is to give the viewers a quick way to access your new content and give the creators some useful feedback.
Remember, the goal of the app is to give the viewers something useful to do on their mobile devices, so you should consider adding a link to your app somewhere in the content.
Furthermore, once the app becomes viral on the app, you can expect to make multiple streams of income.…