5 Ways to Garden Together as a Family - FineGardening
February 28, 2021
Gardening with Your Preschooler

5 Ways to Garden Together as a Family - FineGardening

Preschoolers are busy soaking up information, processing it, and applying it to their daily lives and most love being outside and playing in the dirt. So, why not spend a little time gardening with them? It is a great learning opportunity and does not require a ton of knowledge. A child’s wonder never ceases when it comes to nature and given just a little bit of information, they will take off and learn more than you would ever imagine. Gardening with your preschooler teaches them about where their food comes from and how it is created. It shows them the importance of the soil, sun, and water. And most importantly, they get to play in the dirt and spend quality time with you! Here are some tips for successfully gardening with your preschooler.

Make Your Plan. The most important thing to remember is that you will probably end up doing the most work on your garden, so plan accordingly. You’ll want to pick easy to grow plants but also something the child will be interested in growing and later eating. Sunflowers are fairly easy, fast growing, and beautiful. Peas and beans come in many varieties and are bush or climbing. Tomatoes are hard to start from seed but a purchased plant tends to be fairly hardy and produces many fruits. Also, take into consideration any size constraints. Some plants grow well in containers and would be ideal for growing on a small deck or patio. Other plants, such as strawberries, can be grown in hanging baskets. Contact your local garden center for help picking out which plants will grow best in your area as well as for ideal planting times.

Stick to the Basics. Preschoolers, although interested and excited by everything, still have a limited attention span, so the details are not that important in the beginning. They really just need the basics to start and will most certainly follow up with hundreds of questions. Start very generally by explaining how the seed needs soil, water, and sun to make it healthy and help to grow big and strong, just like we do.

As you see the various wildlife while working with your plants, you can explain how each has a connection to the plants. Some animals are helpful, while others can be harmful. Bees collect pollen from the flowers on the plant to help pollinate and produce the fruits and vegetables that you eat. Spiders eat some of the bugs that would otherwise eat your plant. Worms help enrich the soil. At every turn, there will be an opportunity to teach your preschooler. But, do not be concerned about getting to every detail. Children at this age are so full of questions, that they will determine the path of the conversation with their questions and observations.

Be Flexible and Have Fun! The experience may not go as perfectly and smoothly as you had in mind so try to just go with the flow. Do not be afraid to fail. The plants may not grow and if that’s the case you can try again, try something different, or if nothing else, take them to a local farmer’s market or pick-your-own farm. They can learn just as well by seeing the local producers with their fresh fruits and veggies or by picking their own blueberries. Failure to grow your own plants can be a lesson in how much work and knowledge it can take to put food on the table.

Cater the experience to your preschooler’s interests. My son usually ends up digging a hole nearby in search of buried treasure, while I do the weeding and pruning. But, he loves picking the vegetables, sometimes before they are really ready, watering, and looking for the first hint of green making its way out of the soil. We plant all kinds of stuff and I let him participate in the parts that interest him. Preschoolers learn much more when the experience is fun and they will be just as excited to grow, pick, and eat one fruit or vegetable as they would be with a whole garden.…

February 24, 2021
How to Attract Real Instagram Followers for Your Business? `

Instagram is a powerful platform; it has around 300 million active monthly users. With this vast amount of people, the market for your product is enormous. The number of potential customers is unimaginable. The century-old question remains – how to attract or buy real active instagram followers for your business?

The key to successful marketing is to attract potential clients with a great product and an impressive commercial. That’s why you have to set up your profile accordingly. Remember to interact with your followers, because every one of them represents a potential client. It’s important to talk with your followers about their impressions and get some feedback. Try to improve the quality of your product through the opinions of your followers.

Social networks and integration

Social networks are the most important thing on the Internet. These modern times brought great wonders upon us, and one of those is the social network marketing power. Don’t forget to link your account to every social media account you own. Start with Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and YouTube.


These four platforms will help you create a massive base of authentic and genuine followers. If you want to be successful, you have to communicate with people and find out what they want, and what they need. The precise analysis is the key to good marketing.

Being present in a large number of social networks is crucial for successful business. This method of marketing triggers a domino effect, in simple words, when “a friend of a friend” refers you to someone, it only grows larger.

Create and upload quality content

Now that you have set up your marketing network by linking your account to social media, it is time to start uploading quality content. Instagram is a harsh environment; you have to invest one hundred percent of your time and effort to succeed. Quality content on Instagram means that you have to pay attention to details. You have to make photos of excellent quality, and you have to learn about editing.


When you acquire these skills, start uploading business-related pictures. The visual aspect is the most important parameter of good marketing on Instagram. You present your business with these pictures, be sure they’re top-quality.

22 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers Right Now

The conclusion:

Instagram is one of the best social platforms you can use to promote your business. With a massive amount of daily users, it’s nearly impossible not to find a suiting market for your business. If you follow some simple rules and remember to use the hashtag, you should attract many followers in a short period. Be creative and turn on your imagination, find a way to draw attention to your product.



Use other social media to promote your Instagram account. Make a charity event on Facebook or Twitter and contribute to the community in that way. The possibilities are endless; you just need a little bit of creativity and persistence. Being persistent and patient is the most important part of being successful and satisfied.…

February 20, 2021
Hells Kitchen

Last night I had a monthly dinner for The Little Black Dress Club and we headed to Hells Kitchen in Minneapolis for some music, drinks and dinner. I love going to the dinners for the The Little Black Dress Club because I always meet new people, last night I knew four of the six and it was so great meeting Rita and Laura. Everyone has such an interesting story and we always have a wide variety of ages. We had from 25 to 60 at dinner and we had great conversation and were laughing almost the whole night. We even had a few people come up to us and ask us what we were doing to have so much fun.

I had a Foxy Fosse martini that has ginger infused vodka and a basil lemonade, it was delicious. It had that nice bite of ginger but the basil lemonade was not too sweet, it would be great during the summer.

For my entree I had the Ham and Pear Crisp which Hell’s Kitchen is famous for, 4 of us ended up getting the same thing and we all loved it.

Here is the group from last night- Laura, Christine, Michelle, me, Rita and Kristina. Such a great group of ladies…

January 25, 2021
Fall Gardening Tips for Improved Vegetable Production Next Year

Every vegetable gardener always plans on an improved vegetable garden next year. Dreams of improved garden vegetable production dance through our heads, we want more vine ripe tomatoes, bigger cabbage heads and longer production time for our squash. Fall gardening is the way to make those gardening dreams a reality next year by cleaning up the vegetable garden and improving the garden soil.

Several fall gardening projects need to be done for improved vegetable production next year. Here are some fall gardening tips that will get you started making your vegetable gardening dreams come true.

Clean out all vegetable plants that are have ceased production. Inspect the garden plants as you clear them out of the garden, if they have no bugs or evidence of disease, throw them on the compost pile to be added back to the garden soil next year. If the plants are bug infested or diseased, dispose of them, you don’t want to re-introduce those back into your garden next year. Cucumber beetles, squash bugs, corn borers and potato bugs over-winter in their garden plant’s name sake if the plant is left in the vegetable garden

Garden bugs or disease may have even been a problem in vegetable production this year. While fall gardening, make a note of any garden bugs or disease so you will be prepared with organic or commercial methods of preventing and/or ridding your vegetable garden of these problems next year.

Fall gardening in a warm climate will permit you to plant and harvest a few more garden vegetables. Mid-August through September are good times to plant spinach, collards, kale, lettuce, turnips and radishes.

Planting a fall cover crop in your vegetable garden improves the soil for better vegetable production next year. Fall gardening cover crops include small grains, grasses, legumes that help prevent soil erosion, cut fertilizer costs, reduces the need for herbicides and other pesticides and improves soil health. Next year, you’ll just till in the fall cover crop. Planting a cover crop as part of your fall gardening ritual this year is an easy way to achieve improved vegetable production next year.

Another fall gardening tip for improved vegetable production is now is the time to add manure to your garden. Composted manure is the best and no more than 3 inches deep. You can add cow manure, till it in the soil, then plant a fall cover crop. Fall gardening double impact for improved garden vegetable production through improved soil.

A little fall gardening goes a long way for improved vegetable production next year.…

February 28, 2021
Gardening with Your Preschooler

5 Ways to Garden Together as a Family - FineGardening

Preschoolers are busy soaking up information, processing it, and applying it to their daily lives and most love being outside and playing in the dirt. So, why not spend a little time gardening with them? It is a great learning opportunity and does not require a ton of knowledge. A child’s wonder never ceases when it comes to nature and given just a little bit of information, they will take off and learn more than you would ever imagine. Gardening with your preschooler teaches them about where their food comes from and how it is created. It shows them the importance of the soil, sun, and water. And most importantly, they get to play in the dirt and spend quality time with you! Here are some tips for successfully gardening with your preschooler.

Make Your Plan. The most important thing to remember is that you will probably end up doing the most work on your garden, so plan accordingly. You’ll want to pick easy to grow plants but also something the child will be interested in growing and later eating. Sunflowers are fairly easy, fast growing, and beautiful. Peas and beans come in many varieties and are bush or climbing. Tomatoes are hard to start from seed but a purchased plant tends to be fairly hardy and produces many fruits. Also, take into consideration any size constraints. Some plants grow well in containers and would be ideal for growing on a small deck or patio. Other plants, such as strawberries, can be grown in hanging baskets. Contact your local garden center for help picking out which plants will grow best in your area as well as for ideal planting times.

Stick to the Basics. Preschoolers, although interested and excited by everything, still have a limited attention span, so the details are not that important in the beginning. They really just need the basics to start and will most certainly follow up with hundreds of questions. Start very generally by explaining how the seed needs soil, water, and sun to make it healthy and help to grow big and strong, just like we do.

As you see the various wildlife while working with your plants, you can explain how each has a connection to the plants. Some animals are helpful, while others can be harmful. Bees collect pollen from the flowers on the plant to help pollinate and produce the fruits and vegetables that you eat. Spiders eat some of the bugs that would otherwise eat your plant. Worms help enrich the soil. At every turn, there will be an opportunity to teach your preschooler. But, do not be concerned about getting to every detail. Children at this age are so full of questions, that they will determine the path of the conversation with their questions and observations.

Be Flexible and Have Fun! The experience may not go as perfectly and smoothly as you had in mind so try to just go with the flow. Do not be afraid to fail. The plants may not grow and if that’s the case you can try again, try something different, or if nothing else, take them to a local farmer’s market or pick-your-own farm. They can learn just as well by seeing the local producers with their fresh fruits and veggies or by picking their own blueberries. Failure to grow your own plants can be a lesson in how much work and knowledge it can take to put food on the table.

Cater the experience to your preschooler’s interests. My son usually ends up digging a hole nearby in search of buried treasure, while I do the weeding and pruning. But, he loves picking the vegetables, sometimes before they are really ready, watering, and looking for the first hint of green making its way out of the soil. We plant all kinds of stuff and I let him participate in the parts that interest him. Preschoolers learn much more when the experience is fun and they will be just as excited to grow, pick, and eat one fruit or vegetable as they would be with a whole garden.…

February 24, 2021
How to Attract Real Instagram Followers for Your Business? `

Instagram is a powerful platform; it has around 300 million active monthly users. With this vast amount of people, the market for your product is enormous. The number of potential customers is unimaginable. The century-old question remains – how to attract or buy real active instagram followers for your business?

The key to successful marketing is to attract potential clients with a great product and an impressive commercial. That’s why you have to set up your profile accordingly. Remember to interact with your followers, because every one of them represents a potential client. It’s important to talk with your followers about their impressions and get some feedback. Try to improve the quality of your product through the opinions of your followers.

Social networks and integration

Social networks are the most important thing on the Internet. These modern times brought great wonders upon us, and one of those is the social network marketing power. Don’t forget to link your account to every social media account you own. Start with Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and YouTube.


These four platforms will help you create a massive base of authentic and genuine followers. If you want to be successful, you have to communicate with people and find out what they want, and what they need. The precise analysis is the key to good marketing.

Being present in a large number of social networks is crucial for successful business. This method of marketing triggers a domino effect, in simple words, when “a friend of a friend” refers you to someone, it only grows larger.

Create and upload quality content

Now that you have set up your marketing network by linking your account to social media, it is time to start uploading quality content. Instagram is a harsh environment; you have to invest one hundred percent of your time and effort to succeed. Quality content on Instagram means that you have to pay attention to details. You have to make photos of excellent quality, and you have to learn about editing.


When you acquire these skills, start uploading business-related pictures. The visual aspect is the most important parameter of good marketing on Instagram. You present your business with these pictures, be sure they’re top-quality.

22 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers Right Now

The conclusion:

Instagram is one of the best social platforms you can use to promote your business. With a massive amount of daily users, it’s nearly impossible not to find a suiting market for your business. If you follow some simple rules and remember to use the hashtag, you should attract many followers in a short period. Be creative and turn on your imagination, find a way to draw attention to your product.



Use other social media to promote your Instagram account. Make a charity event on Facebook or Twitter and contribute to the community in that way. The possibilities are endless; you just need a little bit of creativity and persistence. Being persistent and patient is the most important part of being successful and satisfied.…

February 20, 2021
Hells Kitchen

Last night I had a monthly dinner for The Little Black Dress Club and we headed to Hells Kitchen in Minneapolis for some music, drinks and dinner. I love going to the dinners for the The Little Black Dress Club because I always meet new people, last night I knew four of the six and it was so great meeting Rita and Laura. Everyone has such an interesting story and we always have a wide variety of ages. We had from 25 to 60 at dinner and we had great conversation and were laughing almost the whole night. We even had a few people come up to us and ask us what we were doing to have so much fun.

I had a Foxy Fosse martini that has ginger infused vodka and a basil lemonade, it was delicious. It had that nice bite of ginger but the basil lemonade was not too sweet, it would be great during the summer.

For my entree I had the Ham and Pear Crisp which Hell’s Kitchen is famous for, 4 of us ended up getting the same thing and we all loved it.

Here is the group from last night- Laura, Christine, Michelle, me, Rita and Kristina. Such a great group of ladies…

January 25, 2021
Fall Gardening Tips for Improved Vegetable Production Next Year

Every vegetable gardener always plans on an improved vegetable garden next year. Dreams of improved garden vegetable production dance through our heads, we want more vine ripe tomatoes, bigger cabbage heads and longer production time for our squash. Fall gardening is the way to make those gardening dreams a reality next year by cleaning up the vegetable garden and improving the garden soil.

Several fall gardening projects need to be done for improved vegetable production next year. Here are some fall gardening tips that will get you started making your vegetable gardening dreams come true.

Clean out all vegetable plants that are have ceased production. Inspect the garden plants as you clear them out of the garden, if they have no bugs or evidence of disease, throw them on the compost pile to be added back to the garden soil next year. If the plants are bug infested or diseased, dispose of them, you don’t want to re-introduce those back into your garden next year. Cucumber beetles, squash bugs, corn borers and potato bugs over-winter in their garden plant’s name sake if the plant is left in the vegetable garden

Garden bugs or disease may have even been a problem in vegetable production this year. While fall gardening, make a note of any garden bugs or disease so you will be prepared with organic or commercial methods of preventing and/or ridding your vegetable garden of these problems next year.

Fall gardening in a warm climate will permit you to plant and harvest a few more garden vegetables. Mid-August through September are good times to plant spinach, collards, kale, lettuce, turnips and radishes.

Planting a fall cover crop in your vegetable garden improves the soil for better vegetable production next year. Fall gardening cover crops include small grains, grasses, legumes that help prevent soil erosion, cut fertilizer costs, reduces the need for herbicides and other pesticides and improves soil health. Next year, you’ll just till in the fall cover crop. Planting a cover crop as part of your fall gardening ritual this year is an easy way to achieve improved vegetable production next year.

Another fall gardening tip for improved vegetable production is now is the time to add manure to your garden. Composted manure is the best and no more than 3 inches deep. You can add cow manure, till it in the soil, then plant a fall cover crop. Fall gardening double impact for improved garden vegetable production through improved soil.

A little fall gardening goes a long way for improved vegetable production next year.…

April 9, 2021
Cafe Iberico

Mike and I spend the day enjoying Chicago, we did some shopping on Michigan Ave and hit Nordstrom Rack where I found a pair of Fendi sunglasses originally $240 for $50 and then we were on to Loehman’s where I found another great deal of beautiful gold Via Spiga shoes for $50 instead of their normal $220. It was the day of the deals!

Our friend Mark from New York (who we went to Italy with) met us for a Tapas lunch at Cafe Iberico which is in edge of the River North neighborhood and has been open since 1992. A pretty good run for a Chicago restaurant. We started with a some white sangria and then the small plate ordering begun. A plate of mixed meat and manchego, ,mushrooms, grilled octopus with potatoes, shrimp in garlic and olive oil and some potatoes in a spicy tomato sauce.

This is my favorite way to eat, little nibbles of unique foods. You never get too full but you never leave hungry! Another must at a tapas restaurant is dessert, there are always unique flavors. We got a crepe filled with ice cream and a fresh strawberry syrup. Very tasty!!…

March 12, 2021
Country Gardening Tips: Community Gardens

Community gardens are a great way to save money, improve your life and share the load of gardening responsibilities. From garden planning to freezing and canning, gardening as a group is a smart idea.

Save Money

It’s a well-known fact that gardening reduces the tab at grocery stores. Participation in community gardens can also save money in your local garden center and when shopping through gardening catalogs. By sharing the costs of tools, supplies and seeds, the group can take greater advantage of bulk purchasing, sales on more expensive items, special purchases and shipping costs. Special offers are often a help in catering to member tastes for certain fruits, vegetables and herbs. Many community garden groups share magazine subscriptions and pool personal recipes into a fundraising cookbook to further reduce costs.

Improve Your Life

Tending community gardens alongside your neighbors eases the stress of loneliness. The fresh air and exercise involved in gardening can reduce blood pressure, balance blood sugar and improve circulation, all of which contribute to general well-being and ease the debilitating symptoms of various health conditions. Some beds can be elevated to table height or containers placed on tables, to accommodate wheelchairs, back pain, hernias and other issues. Hand tool handles can be adapted in many ways for those who cannot grip typical handle shapes, due to arthritis, autism or cerebral palsy. Eating locally and organically grown produce will reduce your exposure to toxic agricultural chemicals, thus sparing your nervous system, liver and kidneys, among others.

Share the Load

Building, sowing, watering and weeding can all add up quickly on the shoulders of a lone country gardener. However, divide these tasks among a group of neighbors and it’s no longer a burden, but a time of togetherness. For those who cannot complete certain tasks, others can help fill in those gaps. Members of community gardens share the load of harvesting, preservation by canning, freezing or dehydrating, as well as cleaning and preparing the gardens for winter and spring. Some groups hold harvest festivals, with music, games, awards and feasts. Visit my profile for more Country Gardening Tips.…

5 Ways to Garden Together as a Family - FineGardening
February 28, 2021
Gardening with Your Preschooler

5 Ways to Garden Together as a Family - FineGardening

Preschoolers are busy soaking up information, processing it, and applying it to their daily lives and most love being outside and playing in the dirt. So, why not spend a little time gardening with them? It is a great learning opportunity and does not require a ton of knowledge. A child’s wonder never ceases when it comes to nature and given just a little bit of information, they will take off and learn more than you would ever imagine. Gardening with your preschooler teaches them about where their food comes from and how it is created. It shows them the importance of the soil, sun, and water. And most importantly, they get to play in the dirt and spend quality time with you! Here are some tips for successfully gardening with your preschooler.

Make Your Plan. The most important thing to remember is that you will probably end up doing the most work on your garden, so plan accordingly. You’ll want to pick easy to grow plants but also something the child will be interested in growing and later eating. Sunflowers are fairly easy, fast growing, and beautiful. Peas and beans come in many varieties and are bush or climbing. Tomatoes are hard to start from seed but a purchased plant tends to be fairly hardy and produces many fruits. Also, take into consideration any size constraints. Some plants grow well in containers and would be ideal for growing on a small deck or patio. Other plants, such as strawberries, can be grown in hanging baskets. Contact your local garden center for help picking out which plants will grow best in your area as well as for ideal planting times.

Stick to the Basics. Preschoolers, although interested and excited by everything, still have a limited attention span, so the details are not that important in the beginning. They really just need the basics to start and will most certainly follow up with hundreds of questions. Start very generally by explaining how the seed needs soil, water, and sun to make it healthy and help to grow big and strong, just like we do.

As you see the various wildlife while working with your plants, you can explain how each has a connection to the plants. Some animals are helpful, while others can be harmful. Bees collect pollen from the flowers on the plant to help pollinate and produce the fruits and vegetables that you eat. Spiders eat some of the bugs that would otherwise eat your plant. Worms help enrich the soil. At every turn, there will be an opportunity to teach your preschooler. But, do not be concerned about getting to every detail. Children at this age are so full of questions, that they will determine the path of the conversation with their questions and observations.

Be Flexible and Have Fun! The experience may not go as perfectly and smoothly as you had in mind so try to just go with the flow. Do not be afraid to fail. The plants may not grow and if that’s the case you can try again, try something different, or if nothing else, take them to a local farmer’s market or pick-your-own farm. They can learn just as well by seeing the local producers with their fresh fruits and veggies or by picking their own blueberries. Failure to grow your own plants can be a lesson in how much work and knowledge it can take to put food on the table.

Cater the experience to your preschooler’s interests. My son usually ends up digging a hole nearby in search of buried treasure, while I do the weeding and pruning. But, he loves picking the vegetables, sometimes before they are really ready, watering, and looking for the first hint of green making its way out of the soil. We plant all kinds of stuff and I let him participate in the parts that interest him. Preschoolers learn much more when the experience is fun and they will be just as excited to grow, pick, and eat one fruit or vegetable as they would be with a whole garden.…

Fall Gardening Tips for Improved Vegetable Production Next Year
January 25, 2021

Every vegetable gardener always plans on an improved vegetable garden next year. Dreams of improved garden vegetable production dance through our heads, we want more vine ripe tomatoes, bigger cabbage heads and longer production time for our squash. Fall gardening is the way to make those gardening dreams a reality next year by cleaning up the vegetable garden and improving the garden soil.

Several fall gardening projects need to be done for improved vegetable production next year. Here are some fall gardening tips that will get you started making your vegetable gardening dreams come true.

Clean out all vegetable plants that are have ceased production. Inspect the garden plants as you clear them out of the garden, if they have no bugs or evidence of disease, throw them on the compost pile to be added back to the garden soil next year. If the plants are bug infested or diseased, dispose of them, you don’t want to re-introduce those back into your garden next year. Cucumber beetles, squash bugs, corn borers and potato bugs over-winter in their garden plant’s name sake if the plant is left in the vegetable garden

Garden bugs or disease may have even been a problem in vegetable production this year. While fall gardening, make a note of any garden bugs or disease so you will be prepared with organic or commercial methods of preventing and/or ridding your vegetable garden of these problems next year.

Fall gardening in a warm climate will permit you to plant and harvest a few more garden vegetables. Mid-August through September are good times to plant spinach, collards, kale, lettuce, turnips and radishes.

Planting a fall cover crop in your vegetable garden improves the soil for better vegetable production next year. Fall gardening cover crops include small grains, grasses, legumes that help prevent soil erosion, cut fertilizer costs, reduces the need for herbicides and other pesticides and improves soil health. Next year, you’ll just till in the fall cover crop. Planting a cover crop as part of your fall gardening ritual this year is an easy way to achieve improved vegetable production next year.

Another fall gardening tip for improved vegetable production is now is the time to add manure to your garden. Composted manure is the best and no more than 3 inches deep. You can add cow manure, till it in the soil, then plant a fall cover crop. Fall gardening double impact for improved garden vegetable production through improved soil.

A little fall gardening goes a long way for improved vegetable production next year.…

Rainy Day
January 16, 2021

No, it wasn’t rainy today, but it was last week.  I took this picture last Monday when I walked to Whole Foods after my job interview had been postponed.  At first I thought it was going to be too rainy to walk over there, but it wasn’t bad at all, because my umbrella kept me dry.  There were lots of people out that day, using their umbrellas, which surprised me.  It seems like the rain would have kept them in.

I spent an hour (two?) in Whole Foods, which is the longest I’ve spent in one before.  I looked at everything, and I mean everything.  It was fantastic.  Then I bought ingredients for a Mexican fiesta and headed back home.

It was rainy and gloomy outside, yet very beautiful.  It smelled like spring… like rain drops and lilacs.  It just seemed so perfect out, I had to snap a picture.

I wish today would have been as lovely, but it wasn’t.  Today was the first bad day I’ve had in Chicago.  A bad day at work ruins your whole day, unfortunately.  I’m in a funk and there’s no coming out of it.  I’m hoping for better days there in the future.  I think I have to develop a tougher shell if I’m going to make it in Chicago, and not let things bother me so much.

I’m feeling homesick, too.  I miss my mom, dad and sisters something fierce.

So anyway, I was going to write about my first Cubs game, but I’m not feeling it.  I think I’ll just bake some brownies, drink some chardonnay, and throw myself a little pity party.

I hope your day was better than mine!…

Is Site Build It Worthy Of The Hype?
December 11, 2020

Do you want to earn money through a website? With the right approach, you can make plenty of profits with a well constructed site, however it is something that is very mush easier said than done. Starting on this path means getting the best tool to build your website with. Site Build It or SBI is one such tool that has the potential to help you create a profit pulling website by giving literally giving you the keys to success. Having a website is easy to achieve, having a website that converts traffic into sales is a different thing entirely. If you have a website that is failing to convert then you are wasting your time. With Site Build It, you’ll get help every step of the way, all the way to the creation of your website. With Site Build It, your chances of profits with your site are highly increased. This article is an honest review of Site Build It and compares it to the other website creation programs and tools available out there.

Creating a web site is no longer a big deal. Building a website that will bring in a profit is an other thing entirely. There are some easy tips to follow in order to produce a profitable website; if you fail to adhere to these simple rules, your website will likely fail. Nowadays, the external marketing that you do for your site isn’t enough because ultimately, it has to convert well. If you find yourself struggling to produce a profitable website it is in your interest to look into ‘Site Build It!’; this is a great bit of software that will take you through the website creation process. Dr. Ken Evoy, author of such information products as Make Your Words Sell and Make Your Site Sell is the man behind Site Build It, and you know with a creator like that it’s got to be good. In this article we will be reviewing Site Build It and examine how it can help you start your own profitable website from scratch.

Market research is arguably the most important step before you start working on your site. Failure to successfully target the correct market will inevitably result in failure. It tends to be a tedious job to market your product manually, and can become quite boring at times. Site Build It gives you a completely new tool that brainstorms for you, and cuts out all that tedious manual research. The program will assist you in finding specialty markets that will be particularly interested in the product you are providing. Another great aspect of Site Build It is the fact you do not need any expertise in CSS or HTML to use it effectively. Simply follow the step by step guide, and you will have yourself a well designed website in next to no time. You can edit your site further down the road to keep on top of changing trends without any trouble at all. The number of tools and the quality of tools you get with this program are wonderful. There is no set way to design your site, the tool is very adaptable which results in websites looking completely unique.

The process is simple, but if you find yourself struggling along the way, Site Build It comes complete with video tutorials to offer further explanations. Try finding that kind of help with any other site builder. Particularly in the early stages of site creation those tutorials can be a great advantage. Even old pros will find some helpful reminders and maybe a few things they never thought of either. SBI is really a program for everyone. You can share ideas or request further help on the Site Build It forums. All questions receive an answer here; knowledgeable and qualified Site Build It members provide you with crucial information. In addition to this, what’s unique about this service is that it is the only web host that gives you everything you need to rank high in the search engines. SBI’s dedicated service-oriented members quite literally take you in hand, guiding you one step at a time through the process-even seeing your tasks through to completion and submitting your Web pages. Site Build It will automatically analyze all your pages, bit by bit, and will give you any suggestions you need to help you make your content better.

With Site Build It, you’ll be able to to ensure the success of your professional looking website and your business. Now, you’ll still have to put in a little work to get the results you need, but you can take a lot of the work off your shoulders if you get Site Build It.

With Site Build It, I created a K Swiss Sneakers site. With Site Build It, the possibilities are endless, read more on K Swiss Sneakers site.…

How to Plan a Garden to Feed a Family
Growing a Garden and a Family Too
December 8, 2020

How to Plan a Garden to Feed a Family

One of the best ways to combine both gardening and parenting tasks effectively is to develop or improve those time-management skills and by all means, put them to use. Keep everything as organized as possible, from garden and household chores to family activities and events. Designate specific days for certain tasks. For instance, clean the house on Friday, hang out with the kids on Saturday, and weed the garden on Sunday. Regardless of what the kids think, you’re not a superhero. It’s perfectly ok to enlist the help of others, especially your fellow family members. Have the older kids pitch in to help the younger ones. Take turns rotating household and gardening chores. Encourage teamwork. For those of you that dislike a particular chore, such as washing dishes, perhaps someone else in the house doesn’t mind. Swap out these types of chores with those that others in the house don’t like to make productivity faster and easier, and perhaps more fun. Use your creativity to make these things fun. For instance, reward the kids for a job well done. Take them out for ice-cream. Give the little ones flashy stickers.

Make family time fun time by spending time together outdoors. In fact, why not consider gardening together. Grow a vegetable garden. Nothing brings a family together quite like a good, healthy meal, especially one made with freshly grown vegetables from your family’s garden. You can design your garden to suit the needs of your family or adapt an existing garden to your family’s lifestyle and interests. For instance, provide a place for the kids to play, the dog to lounge, and so on. Involve the kids. Consider letting them grow a garden of their own. They love to play in dirt anyway. This also gives you the opportunity to share one of your favorite pastimes with them and teach them all about connecting with nature. Let them choose their own plants and design their own garden space. If you have younger children and don’t have anyone to occupy their time while you’re in the garden, there are a few things you could try. For instance, keep the play area near the garden so the kids stay within easy view. Take advantage of nap time. Work on gardening chores while the kids are sleeping. This also works for household tasks as well, provided they’re quiet. Bring the play pen outdoors. This helped me greatly when my kids were small. Not only do they stay inbounds while you work in the garden, but they can also enjoy the outdoors with you. Just be sure to keep them in the shade.

Finding time to enjoy your favorite pastime while making time for your family doesn’t need to be a frustrating experience. All it takes is a little creativity to combine your responsibilities into fun-filled family activities. The memories you cultivate will last a lifetime!…

There Is Money To Be Had In Those Old Duck Decoys
December 7, 2020

Using a decoy while hunting is a idea that has been around for an extremely long time. But in the 1800s what we know think of as being a decoy began to become more popular as the need to earn a living became a driving factor for a huge number of people and many of them turned to hunting to provide that income. For their hunting to be successful the hunters needed every advantage they could have and so was born what we know think of as Old duck decoys.

Many of the first decoys made were very simple in their construction. Many were nothing more than crudely carved hunks of wood with a head like attachment that had been painted in dull colors. The wood needed to be dull because ducks were found to be almost suspicious of anything too brightly colored in the water when they flew over or came into land.

Although decoys were produced in large numbers in the 1800s and posted out across the country, a just as large quantity of decoys were hand produced by the hunters that used them themselves. Decoys are used to bring the ducks into land near the edges of bodies of water, making them easier to aim at. Although shooting was the most effective method, the use of bows and arrows was also an efficient method of shooting. However using a bow needed the ducks to be nearer to the hunter.

Many of the old decoys made from the traditional wood were broken or sold for horribly small sums of wood when decoys produced from plastic started to become more popular. Because they were made from wood, the old fashioned decoys were a lot heavier and were hard to carry around in the bigger numbers that were often required.

Decoys can be linked to geographical area by the manner in which they have been carved and with the species of ducks they have been produced to represent. In harder times when hunters were forced through lack of funds to carve their own, they often copied the decoys that were already in use in their area or tried to mimic the birds they had first hand knowledge of from their own hunting experiences.

As old duck decoys become harder to find, especially those made from traditional wood, they have started to become more valuable. Those that exhibit quality craftsmanship only add to their potential value. A decoy that has been made to have a hollow body is also quite valuable as these were considered to be a challenge to make although they were very popular with hunters. A decoy in reasonable condition with a good amount of age to it is becoming harder to come across and this only adds to the value even more. Because decoys have become collectible many decoys are being kept in families and handed down from one generation to the next.

For some, decoys that have been constructed from white cedar are thought to be some of the better decoys to have. White cedar is a wood that has been found to last a good length of time and floats better in the water. The wood does not deteriorate as quickly as some other woods and when painted, it keeps its paint extremely well.

Looking to find the most comprehensive information on Old duck decoys?…

How To Phone Through Telegram Application
September 13, 2020

Telegram has added the promised voice dialing capability of anti-tapping. So how do you call via this application?

Like WhatsApp, making phone calls on Telegram is very easy. But to taste this feature, you have to do the latest updates on the App Store and Google Play Store.

Once installed, we can immediately make a telephone call. The steps are as follows:


  • Open one of the contacts we want to call
  • Tap the three-dot icon in the top right corner
  • A number of options will appear, select Call

Or it can be done in the following way

  • From the main page, press the menu in the upper right corner.
  • Select Call
  • Tap the Call icon
  • Select contact


  • Open the contact you want to contact
  • Then tap on the contact’s name at the top
  • Call icon will appear, press the button to start calling

Telegram on iOS does not by default display the Calls tab at the bottom of the main screen. To bring it up a number of settings must be done, how:

  • Press Settings
  • Press the Recent Calls option
  • Slide the button on the Show Calls Tab

After the Calls tab appears at the bottom of the screen, we can make calls easily from here.

  • Tap the phone icon in the upper right corner
  • Search for contacts to call, instantly making calls

In addition, Telegram allows us to control every call. So that not everyone can contact you. The steps between iOS and Android are the same, namely:

  • Open Settings
  • Select Privacy and Security
  • Then choose Calls
  • Everybody, My Contacts, and Nobody options are available.

If you want to set only certain people who can be contacted or blocked, you can choose the My Contact option. Enter people who can contact in the Always Allow section, or select Never Allow to not allow the contact to contact you. May be useful.…

How to Calibrate Android Phone Batteries Without Root
September 11, 2020

Batteries are an important component of any cellphone. Some vendors also recommend cell phone users to calibrate the battery to maintain the battery performance remains excellent.

Battery calibration can be done on phones running the Android or iPhone operating system. But there are several myths that surround this practice.

So, what is battery calibration? How to do it? Here’s how to calibrate the battery on an Android version without root which is summarized on:

1. What is Battery Calibration

To understand what battery calibration is you need to know how the cell phone battery works first. At present, most cellphones use lithium-ion (Li-ion) or lithium-polymer (Li-po) batteries.

Each cellphone battery has a smart chip that sends a signal that indicates what the current battery level is. Your Android phone receives this signal and displays it on the cellphone screen.

This smart chip tries to read how much energy is stored in the battery. For a more accurate reading, the chip must understand battery capacity. If the battery is completely empty up to 0%, then fully charged up to 100%, the chip will understand its capacity.

The more often you use your cellphone, the cellphone battery runs out and is charged at various points. This random method of using and charging can make chip readings inaccurate.

In essence, the chip and battery capacity at this point is not calibrated. To find out more accurate battery capacity, you need to do a calibration.

2. Cell Phone Battery Calibration Without Root

Battery calibration can usually be done on a rooted Android phone and uses a special application. But, if your cellphone isn’t rooted you can use the “physical” battery calibration method.

How to calibrate the battery on an Android phone without root is actually simple. First, empty the battery completely up to 0%.

Do not charge the cellphone while emptying the battery. Just leave the cellphone working until it finally turns itself off.

After the cellphone turns off, restart until it finally dies again. Even though the battery is at the 0% level, there are still a few backups stored.

In the case of a dead cellphone, the cellphone charge reaches the level of 100%. After it is completely full, unplug the charger and turn on the cellphone. The battery indicator may not show 100%, continue to charge the battery again until it reaches 100%, then unplug the charger.

One cycle of emptying the battery and filling it again to the full allows the chip to calibrate and read the battery indicator more accurately.

3. Myths About Battery Calibration

One of the myths about battery calibration that is widely believed is its benefits and functions. It is noteworthy, the benefits of battery calibration are not to increase battery life and life. Battery calibration only serves to obtain more accurate observations of battery life.

In addition, some battery calibration applications also often talk about the BatteryStats.bin file which can be found inside the Android system. Many people claim that deleting this file will improve performance and battery life, but this claim is wrong.

Google technicians have confirmed that deleting the BatteryStats.bin file has no impact on the battery level displayed or battery life.

This file only stores data about any services that use batteries when not in charge. This note is also always reset every time the battery is charged to 80% level and then removed from the charger.

Read also: how to send videos through text

4. Battery Calibration, Need or Not?

Most Android phone users do not need to calibrate the battery. Because the combination of smart chips used by the battery and Android’s smart way of reading battery statistics is more than enough to read battery capacity accurately.

This smarter algorithm and sensor can help Android phones to calibrate batteries automatically without the need to do the above. Cell phone batteries will usually be calibrated automatically once they enter “low battery” mode and then fully charged.

You can calibrate the battery if you feel the battery level displayed is inaccurate. For example, if the cellphone initially displays the remaining 30% battery but in a short period of time drops to 5% and suddenly dies, it’s a sign of a battery that is not calibrated.

You can also calibrate the battery if when the cell phone is being charged the battery can be charged up to 80-90% quickly, but once it is removed and only used for a short time, the battery immediately decreases drastically.

Or if you use a cellphone that hasn’t been used for a long time. Before using a cell phone that has been stored for months it’s good to calibrate the battery.

Battery calibration is also not recommended to be done too often. Because lithium-ion batteries are emptied to the point where they can completely reduce battery life and life.…

Gardening is Too Hard? – More like Too Much Fun!
August 19, 2020

Don’t know the first thing about Gardening? It’s too hard to learn?

Absolute Nonsense!

Quite possibly, this is the most forgiving hobby there is. The BIG thing to remember about plants is, they will not instantly die on you. You have a lot of leeway here. Plants will alert you to the fact that something is wrong, by the sheer fact they start to look sad. This gives you time to DO something about it. Unlike most other hobbies, where, if you forget to do something – the whole project may well fall to pieces before your eyes.

Gardening, being such a popular passtime, and with all the latest alternative or organic information we have to hand, gardening as a natural science is fun to learn about and rewarding in the extreme…

Produce your own fruit and veg – do less shopping and re-introduce yourself to the taste of REAL produce.

Keep it organic!- think globally, act locally.

Stay fit and healthy with exercise and fresh air. Gardening is good for the soul too.

Spend quality time outside with the family – in the garden.

Be creative, experiment with new garden designs and plantings.

When you start gardening, a funny thing happens – you LEARN – whether you want to, or not, knowledge just seeps in and before you know it , you will find that you actually – KNOW things.

Shall we begin?

Take your time. Look at your proposed garden area, contemplate it. Do not think for a moment, that you are going to do this in a day. That will only lead to disappointment – and you may as well just go straight back inside and turn the telly on. Take a little time, do a little planning. Don’t take too long, though, keep up the enthusiasm or ideas may begin to fade.

What would you like to have in your garden? Colour, shade, somewhere to sit that is shady and colourful? Somewhere to entertain, or for the kids to play?

Something like…a….

……..butterfly patch

……..water feature, oh, nice.

……..a patch of wildflowers

……..herb garden, right near the kitchen there.

……..Gotta have a vegetable garden!

Better have a shed, too, to store your tools. Where would that be best placed? Don’t waste a sunny position for a garden shed. Sheds don’t need the sun, but your garden does!

Some garden furniture? Somewhere pleasant, like near the jasmine, or the herbs? Personally, I like to sit smack-bang in the middle, where I can see everything; and contemplate what is going on.

If you can afford it, buy your garden structures and furniture, first; and position them where you think they should be. Then create your garden around them. That is another reason I put my benches and seats in the middle – I fan out from there, giving an enormous illusion of expansion, as I go.

If you cannot afford the big stuff, to begin with – merely, leave spaces large enough for where they will go, as you acquire them; and continue with the rest..

If you are just starting out, into the world of gardening – start small. By this I mean: do as much as you are comfortable doing. If this is planting only one thing, then planting one thing is all you do. Never overdo it, as you will find your enthusiasm for the project waning, if not utterly vanishing at the thought of getting out there again. Remember – this is NOT a race!

Other things that come into this consideration are:

Are you going to invite other members of the family to ‘help’? The old adage ‘more hands make lighter work’; is certainly true, but not much fun if no-one really wants to play.

How much time do you actually have, to be playing in the garden? Are you reasonably healthy enough for the task?

The weather must be taken into consideration,too. If you are mucking about in the rain, you will actually do more damage than good – to the garden. Like-wise , if you are slogging around in a heat-wave, you will do more damage than good – to your health.

Gardening should be treated as a continuation, an evolution if you like, of your hobby, rather than a chore that has ‘gotta be done’, like painting the house, or somesuch.

Plants are continuously growing and changing the shape and feel of your garden. You can just let it grow as it will, all higgeldy-piggeldy and wild, or you can just as well hack it back when it becomes less than polite! It will come back. Gardens are very forgiving.

An uncommon secret about growing a garden is that – plants grow, whether you are there or not. It is easier to kill a plant with kindness, than it is to with neglect.…

How to Teach Children about Internet Safety
July 26, 2020

Internet and device security threats regardless of age. Children users are vulnerable to cyber attacks. Therefore, it is important for parents to chat with their children, about the safety of surfing the internet.

The purpose of this guide is to invite adults, especially parents, to play a greater role in supervising and protecting your children, younger siblings or nieces when surfing the internet, especially when using social media (social media).

Start early

Children are now growing up in the online world. Take your time to introduce the basics of privacy and security so they understand and differentiate between what is safe and what is not.

Stay in control

Naturally, children have a high curiosity and will try many things as they get older. You can download applications or activate features that function as Parental Control on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and internet connections.

This method can filter and block inappropriate content, while controlling how much time children spend while surfing online.

Give limits

Remind children of the time they can spend surfing online, including exploring websites, playing in various applications, playing games, and exchanging messages.

Basically, ‘don’t do anything online that you don’t do yourself’. It’s important to remind children that anyone can see our social media profiles, post content that is difficult to delete, and leave a digital footprint.

Be positive

The internet is a complete resource for children to learn. Encourage children to discuss what websites they like to access, and what activities they do there.


Understand that sometimes children accidentally open inappropriate content and they can report it directly to you.

Make a deal

Choose the right time to convey the message and the rules that you make. The first day children get a smartphone or tablet, is the most appropriate moment to provide guidance on online activities that they can do.


The responsibility of adults and parents is to protect children, including protection in the online world. When your child is old enough, make sure you stay friends and follow his social media. Surely there will be rejection in the beginning. But, make this one of the requirements so they can get internet access.


Follow the agreed rules. That is, no one can open a smartphone, laptop or tablet, including not allowed to send electronic messages while having breakfast or dinner together. Or if forced to do it, explain to children, some rules can be applied differently to adults.…

The Perfect 3
June 20, 2020

Pitch Perfect 3 | Own & Watch Pitch Perfect 3 | Universal Pictures

I hope you don’t have plans this Saturday afternoon.  Barbecue?  Going to the lake?  Birthday party?  Cancel it.

You can party at home while watching The Perfect 3 on Cooking Channel.  The host is Kelsey Nixon, the guest star is me.

The show airs this Saturday, May 26, at 2:30 PM Eastern. I think I’m only on for a few minutes towards the end of the show. I won a recipe contest a few months ago to appear on the show with Kelsey and make my winning recipe – Golden Finocchio Sausage White Pizza.

It’s a really good pizza!  I wish I had some right now.  The pizza dough is made from bread flour, whole wheat flour and cornmeal; the cornmeal makes the crust nice and crispy.  This is a white pizza recipe, so I used ricotta and mozzarella cheese for the toppings, along with Italian sausage, baby golden tomatoes, caramelized fennel & onions, lemon zest and fresh basil.

You must watch the show so you know all of the secrets of this great pizza.  Come on, it’ll be fun.  You can invite your friends over, have some pizza, have some wine, and watch me be dorky on television.  I wish I had a web cam so I could watch it with my folks back home.  Hmm maybe I could order one and have it shipped before Saturday…

This show was a lot more relaxed than Ultimate Recipe Showdown.  There was no competition, interviews, or $25,000 on the line.  Cooking Channel flew me to New York City for a day to film.  The studio wasn’t in Chelsea Market where Food Network and Cooking Channel is located; it was a smaller studio located in lower Manhattan.

I relaxed in the green room and chatted with the producers and Kelsey for a little while. Kelsey is very sweet and down to earth. I actually met her a few years ago on another trip to New York City. True story, I just went back and read that post, and the picture of Eric with pulled pork in his mouth made me lol.

Anyway, Kelsey remembered me from that trip and asked about my blog!  I was flattered.  She’s a busy woman with several shows and food gigs.  She’s also very tiny.  She’s the shortest, smallest, cutest little woman that you ever did see.

This is a picture of me admiring her.

I was pretty nervous about the filming, but it all went smoothly.  And fast!  We really only filmed for a few minutes and… we didn’t actually make my pizza.  The Cooking Channel test kitchen had already prepared the pizza and measured out the ingredients for us to assemble another one on camera.
Before I knew it, it was all over and time to go home. The show was easy, relaxed, and a lot of fun. Thank you to Cooking Channel for picking my recipe in their contest!

Speaking of Cooking Channel, I now get to watch it in Chicago!  My TV is always on Cooking Channel – I love it.  There’s always something on that I want to watch.  I love watching Nigella, Giada, Kelsey, T Flo, Laura Calder, Debi Mazar & Gabriele Corcos, Unique Sweets & Eats, and my friend Brigitte Nguyen.  There’s only one show/host I don’t care for, and if you watch Cooking Channel, I bet you know who.

What’s your favorite show on Cooking Channel?…

Bin Wine Bar
June 16, 2020

BIN1301 DC - HomeI wanted to give Jenna and Beka their compliments in a separate post. But I also wanted to give Bin Wine War its props. Bin has only been open a few months and I knew we wanted to try it for happy hour. Bin is female owned and focuses on small plates and a unique wine list.

I got there a few minutes before Jenna and Beka arrived and spent some time perusing the wine list and small plates. I decided on a Makulu Pinotage from South Africa for a glass of wine. The pinotage was fruity but had a nice full flavor, I would order this again.

When the girls got there we opted on a cheese plate and a meat plate to share among the three of us

And we coudn’t forget dessert, and heavenly it was. 3 homemade butterscotch chocolate chip cookies and a HUGE truffle.

I will be visiting again shortly! We had good wine, great services and even better conversations.…

Investment Banking Adviser – Investment Banking
May 29, 2020

Those who are able to achieve higher yields on their investments typically don’t have a broker and don’t listen to the advice of a financial planner. After all, if either of them knew what they were talking about they wouldn’t be hustling others into allowing them to learn the trade game off of other people’s money.

The reality is the few that have gained a comprehension for seeking out and getting involved with trades that open the floodgates to massive profits use their own money and operate as part of a small, tight knit group. The members of this ‘group’ always have their feelers out like tentacles sucking up and analyzing potential transactions, immediately looking for strategic elements and immediately dumping 99% as they don’t meet the criteria.

Two major components that professional investors who use their own money and are able to consistently pick winning transactions are companies that are in merger and/or acquisition mode and companies that are seeking seed capital specifically to go public.

Let’s focus on the latter. Companies seeking seed capital to go public are often financially viable companies with modest liquidity but are taking on seed investors so that they can meet the SEC minimum criteria of having 40 investors on the books to qualify for going public. Investors that are able to, literally, make millions per transaction have a way of getting into these opportunities by connecting with consultants who take companies public.

If you are able to get involved with these consulting firms and if you have some capital to designate as a seed investor, you can literally be placed in 4,5 or even 6+ pre IPO investments per year. When you are one of the 40 investors in a pre public OTCBB corporation you are usually investing seed capital at a fraction of the future public price by way of DPO (Direct Public Offering). The difference between what you pay for the seed stock and what the company charges per share when public is the profit.

It isn’t at all out of the ordinary to buy seed stock at 50 cents and have that stock gain in value of $1.00 to $1.50 when the company goes public and yes, you just made 50 cents to $1.00 net profit on each share. The great thing is you can often invest as a seed investor with as little as $5,000 to $10,000. If you have more capital you can spread it out over multiple pre-IPO opportunities. Seek out the pre- public companies and make a fortune!

For Corporate Turnaround Services or Take Your Company Public, call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183Take Your Company Public the easy way!…

Common Themes
May 20, 2020

Over the past few days I have had a similar conversation with 4 different girlfriend; body image. All of the discussions have focused on being healthy and achieving goals. No matter where someone is in their fitness journey they all have some of the same fears- failure. It makes me sad to see so many people struggle with body image and feelings of insecurity. Being healthy can be really hard but it is attainable! I know everyone has the ability to get to their end goal.

At happy hour last night with my friend Adrianne, we spent about 30 minutes talking about being happy and healthy. I shared my philosophy of eating what I want when I want but in moderation. Fruits and veggies are things I love and want to eat but if  I want a serving of chips or chocolate  I have it. Nothing is off limits, ever. I fit it in and do my best to live a healthy life. To me, that healthy life means going to the gym, doing yoga, lifting weights, eating whole foods and having the occasional treat.

Size doesn’t matter, it is how you feel.  I have seen women in the blog world talk about how they feel “heavy” at an “average” weight.  Really? I just do not understand that mentality. I try really hard to not engage in negative body talk and to just live my life while being healthy.  I am the happiest  I have been in years in all aspects of my life! I feel healthy, I like the way I look and I love that I have been working out consistently for almost 10 years.

In order to keep on my healthy plan I got a great workout in this morning, 30 minutes and 5 miles on the elliptical and a pretty intense leg workout of


-Leg Curls

-Leg Extension

-Leg Press

-Calf Raises

-Hamstring Curl

After my workout I grabbed the Smoothie of the Day Special at the gym. Today’s flavor was Raspberry Blueberry Ultimate Protein, pretty darn tasty.…

Telegram has added the promised voice dialing capability of anti-tapping. So how do you call via this application?

Like WhatsApp, making phone calls on Telegram is very easy. But to taste this feature, you have to do the latest updates on the App Store and Google Play Store.

Once installed, we can immediately make a telephone call. The steps are as follows:


  • Open one of the contacts we want to call
  • Tap the three-dot icon in the top right corner
  • A number of options will appear, select Call

Or it can be done in the following way

  • From the main page, press the menu in the upper right corner.
  • Select Call
  • Tap the Call icon
  • Select contact


  • Open the contact you want to contact
  • Then tap on the contact’s name at the top
  • Call icon will appear, press the button to start calling

Telegram on iOS does not by default display the Calls tab at the bottom of the main screen. To bring it up a number of settings must be done, how:

  • Press Settings
  • Press the Recent Calls option
  • Slide the button on the Show Calls Tab

After the Calls tab appears at the bottom of the screen, we can make calls easily from here.

  • Tap the phone icon in the upper right corner
  • Search for contacts to call, instantly making calls

In addition, Telegram allows us to control every call. So that not everyone can contact you. The steps between iOS and Android are the same, namely:

  • Open Settings
  • Select Privacy and Security
  • Then choose Calls
  • Everybody, My Contacts, and Nobody options are available.

If you want to set only certain people who can be contacted or blocked, you can choose the My Contact option. Enter people who can contact in the Always Allow section, or select Never Allow to not allow the contact to contact you. May be useful.…

Batteries are an important component of any cellphone. Some vendors also recommend cell phone users to calibrate the battery to maintain the battery performance remains excellent.

Battery calibration can be done on phones running the Android or iPhone operating system. But there are several myths that surround this practice.

So, what is battery calibration? How to do it? Here’s how to calibrate the battery on an Android version without root which is summarized on:

1. What is Battery Calibration

To understand what battery calibration is you need to know how the cell phone battery works first. At present, most cellphones use lithium-ion (Li-ion) or lithium-polymer (Li-po) batteries.

Each cellphone battery has a smart chip that sends a signal that indicates what the current battery level is. Your Android phone receives this signal and displays it on the cellphone screen.

This smart chip tries to read how much energy is stored in the battery. For a more accurate reading, the chip must understand battery capacity. If the battery is completely empty up to 0%, then fully charged up to 100%, the chip will understand its capacity.

The more often you use your cellphone, the cellphone battery runs out and is charged at various points. This random method of using and charging can make chip readings inaccurate.

In essence, the chip and battery capacity at this point is not calibrated. To find out more accurate battery capacity, you need to do a calibration.

2. Cell Phone Battery Calibration Without Root

Battery calibration can usually be done on a rooted Android phone and uses a special application. But, if your cellphone isn’t rooted you can use the “physical” battery calibration method.

How to calibrate the battery on an Android phone without root is actually simple. First, empty the battery completely up to 0%.

Do not charge the cellphone while emptying the battery. Just leave the cellphone working until it finally turns itself off.

After the cellphone turns off, restart until it finally dies again. Even though the battery is at the 0% level, there are still a few backups stored.

In the case of a dead cellphone, the cellphone charge reaches the level of 100%. After it is completely full, unplug the charger and turn on the cellphone. The battery indicator may not show 100%, continue to charge the battery again until it reaches 100%, then unplug the charger.

One cycle of emptying the battery and filling it again to the full allows the chip to calibrate and read the battery indicator more accurately.

3. Myths About Battery Calibration

One of the myths about battery calibration that is widely believed is its benefits and functions. It is noteworthy, the benefits of battery calibration are not to increase battery life and life. Battery calibration only serves to obtain more accurate observations of battery life.

In addition, some battery calibration applications also often talk about the BatteryStats.bin file which can be found inside the Android system. Many people claim that deleting this file will improve performance and battery life, but this claim is wrong.

Google technicians have confirmed that deleting the BatteryStats.bin file has no impact on the battery level displayed or battery life.

This file only stores data about any services that use batteries when not in charge. This note is also always reset every time the battery is charged to 80% level and then removed from the charger.

Read also: how to send videos through text

4. Battery Calibration, Need or Not?

Most Android phone users do not need to calibrate the battery. Because the combination of smart chips used by the battery and Android’s smart way of reading battery statistics is more than enough to read battery capacity accurately.

This smarter algorithm and sensor can help Android phones to calibrate batteries automatically without the need to do the above. Cell phone batteries will usually be calibrated automatically once they enter “low battery” mode and then fully charged.

You can calibrate the battery if you feel the battery level displayed is inaccurate. For example, if the cellphone initially displays the remaining 30% battery but in a short period of time drops to 5% and suddenly dies, it’s a sign of a battery that is not calibrated.

You can also calibrate the battery if when the cell phone is being charged the battery can be charged up to 80-90% quickly, but once it is removed and only used for a short time, the battery immediately decreases drastically.

Or if you use a cellphone that hasn’t been used for a long time. Before using a cell phone that has been stored for months it’s good to calibrate the battery.

Battery calibration is also not recommended to be done too often. Because lithium-ion batteries are emptied to the point where they can completely reduce battery life and life.…

Don’t know the first thing about Gardening? It’s too hard to learn?

Absolute Nonsense!

Quite possibly, this is the most forgiving hobby there is. The BIG thing to remember about plants is, they will not instantly die on you. You have a lot of leeway here. Plants will alert you to the fact that something is wrong, by the sheer fact they start to look sad. This gives you time to DO something about it. Unlike most other hobbies, where, if you forget to do something – the whole project may well fall to pieces before your eyes.

Gardening, being such a popular passtime, and with all the latest alternative or organic information we have to hand, gardening as a natural science is fun to learn about and rewarding in the extreme…

Produce your own fruit and veg – do less shopping and re-introduce yourself to the taste of REAL produce.

Keep it organic!- think globally, act locally.

Stay fit and healthy with exercise and fresh air. Gardening is good for the soul too.

Spend quality time outside with the family – in the garden.

Be creative, experiment with new garden designs and plantings.

When you start gardening, a funny thing happens – you LEARN – whether you want to, or not, knowledge just seeps in and before you know it , you will find that you actually – KNOW things.

Shall we begin?

Take your time. Look at your proposed garden area, contemplate it. Do not think for a moment, that you are going to do this in a day. That will only lead to disappointment – and you may as well just go straight back inside and turn the telly on. Take a little time, do a little planning. Don’t take too long, though, keep up the enthusiasm or ideas may begin to fade.

What would you like to have in your garden? Colour, shade, somewhere to sit that is shady and colourful? Somewhere to entertain, or for the kids to play?

Something like…a….

……..butterfly patch

……..water feature, oh, nice.

……..a patch of wildflowers

……..herb garden, right near the kitchen there.

……..Gotta have a vegetable garden!

Better have a shed, too, to store your tools. Where would that be best placed? Don’t waste a sunny position for a garden shed. Sheds don’t need the sun, but your garden does!

Some garden furniture? Somewhere pleasant, like near the jasmine, or the herbs? Personally, I like to sit smack-bang in the middle, where I can see everything; and contemplate what is going on.

If you can afford it, buy your garden structures and furniture, first; and position them where you think they should be. Then create your garden around them. That is another reason I put my benches and seats in the middle – I fan out from there, giving an enormous illusion of expansion, as I go.

If you cannot afford the big stuff, to begin with – merely, leave spaces large enough for where they will go, as you acquire them; and continue with the rest..

If you are just starting out, into the world of gardening – start small. By this I mean: do as much as you are comfortable doing. If this is planting only one thing, then planting one thing is all you do. Never overdo it, as you will find your enthusiasm for the project waning, if not utterly vanishing at the thought of getting out there again. Remember – this is NOT a race!

Other things that come into this consideration are:

Are you going to invite other members of the family to ‘help’? The old adage ‘more hands make lighter work’; is certainly true, but not much fun if no-one really wants to play.

How much time do you actually have, to be playing in the garden? Are you reasonably healthy enough for the task?

The weather must be taken into consideration,too. If you are mucking about in the rain, you will actually do more damage than good – to the garden. Like-wise , if you are slogging around in a heat-wave, you will do more damage than good – to your health.

Gardening should be treated as a continuation, an evolution if you like, of your hobby, rather than a chore that has ‘gotta be done’, like painting the house, or somesuch.

Plants are continuously growing and changing the shape and feel of your garden. You can just let it grow as it will, all higgeldy-piggeldy and wild, or you can just as well hack it back when it becomes less than polite! It will come back. Gardens are very forgiving.

An uncommon secret about growing a garden is that – plants grow, whether you are there or not. It is easier to kill a plant with kindness, than it is to with neglect.…

Mike got me a new watch and it arrived today, I am so excited to wear it! Quite a few links need to come out since I have pretty small wrists. This brings my watch collection up to 4, while Mike is at close to 20. It isn’t very often that a guy has such a excitement about watches, but that would be my husband.

I will give him credit for finding them very much on sale, he has good luck at Amazon and Overstock and never spends more than a few hundred dollars for some pretty well known names. Good bargain hunting skills!…

Internet and device security threats regardless of age. Children users are vulnerable to cyber attacks. Therefore, it is important for parents to chat with their children, about the safety of surfing the internet.

The purpose of this guide is to invite adults, especially parents, to play a greater role in supervising and protecting your children, younger siblings or nieces when surfing the internet, especially when using social media (social media).

Start early

Children are now growing up in the online world. Take your time to introduce the basics of privacy and security so they understand and differentiate between what is safe and what is not.

Stay in control

Naturally, children have a high curiosity and will try many things as they get older. You can download applications or activate features that function as Parental Control on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and internet connections.

This method can filter and block inappropriate content, while controlling how much time children spend while surfing online.

Give limits

Remind children of the time they can spend surfing online, including exploring websites, playing in various applications, playing games, and exchanging messages.

Basically, ‘don’t do anything online that you don’t do yourself’. It’s important to remind children that anyone can see our social media profiles, post content that is difficult to delete, and leave a digital footprint.

Be positive

The internet is a complete resource for children to learn. Encourage children to discuss what websites they like to access, and what activities they do there.


Understand that sometimes children accidentally open inappropriate content and they can report it directly to you.

Make a deal

Choose the right time to convey the message and the rules that you make. The first day children get a smartphone or tablet, is the most appropriate moment to provide guidance on online activities that they can do.


The responsibility of adults and parents is to protect children, including protection in the online world. When your child is old enough, make sure you stay friends and follow his social media. Surely there will be rejection in the beginning. But, make this one of the requirements so they can get internet access.


Follow the agreed rules. That is, no one can open a smartphone, laptop or tablet, including not allowed to send electronic messages while having breakfast or dinner together. Or if forced to do it, explain to children, some rules can be applied differently to adults.…

Pitch Perfect 3 | Own & Watch Pitch Perfect 3 | Universal Pictures

I hope you don’t have plans this Saturday afternoon.  Barbecue?  Going to the lake?  Birthday party?  Cancel it.

You can party at home while watching The Perfect 3 on Cooking Channel.  The host is Kelsey Nixon, the guest star is me.

The show airs this Saturday, May 26, at 2:30 PM Eastern. I think I’m only on for a few minutes towards the end of the show. I won a recipe contest a few months ago to appear on the show with Kelsey and make my winning recipe – Golden Finocchio Sausage White Pizza.

It’s a really good pizza!  I wish I had some right now.  The pizza dough is made from bread flour, whole wheat flour and cornmeal; the cornmeal makes the crust nice and crispy.  This is a white pizza recipe, so I used ricotta and mozzarella cheese for the toppings, along with Italian sausage, baby golden tomatoes, caramelized fennel & onions, lemon zest and fresh basil.

You must watch the show so you know all of the secrets of this great pizza.  Come on, it’ll be fun.  You can invite your friends over, have some pizza, have some wine, and watch me be dorky on television.  I wish I had a web cam so I could watch it with my folks back home.  Hmm maybe I could order one and have it shipped before Saturday…

This show was a lot more relaxed than Ultimate Recipe Showdown.  There was no competition, interviews, or $25,000 on the line.  Cooking Channel flew me to New York City for a day to film.  The studio wasn’t in Chelsea Market where Food Network and Cooking Channel is located; it was a smaller studio located in lower Manhattan.

I relaxed in the green room and chatted with the producers and Kelsey for a little while. Kelsey is very sweet and down to earth. I actually met her a few years ago on another trip to New York City. True story, I just went back and read that post, and the picture of Eric with pulled pork in his mouth made me lol.

Anyway, Kelsey remembered me from that trip and asked about my blog!  I was flattered.  She’s a busy woman with several shows and food gigs.  She’s also very tiny.  She’s the shortest, smallest, cutest little woman that you ever did see.

This is a picture of me admiring her.

I was pretty nervous about the filming, but it all went smoothly.  And fast!  We really only filmed for a few minutes and… we didn’t actually make my pizza.  The Cooking Channel test kitchen had already prepared the pizza and measured out the ingredients for us to assemble another one on camera.
Before I knew it, it was all over and time to go home. The show was easy, relaxed, and a lot of fun. Thank you to Cooking Channel for picking my recipe in their contest!

Speaking of Cooking Channel, I now get to watch it in Chicago!  My TV is always on Cooking Channel – I love it.  There’s always something on that I want to watch.  I love watching Nigella, Giada, Kelsey, T Flo, Laura Calder, Debi Mazar & Gabriele Corcos, Unique Sweets & Eats, and my friend Brigitte Nguyen.  There’s only one show/host I don’t care for, and if you watch Cooking Channel, I bet you know who.

What’s your favorite show on Cooking Channel?…

BIN1301 DC - HomeI wanted to give Jenna and Beka their compliments in a separate post. But I also wanted to give Bin Wine War its props. Bin has only been open a few months and I knew we wanted to try it for happy hour. Bin is female owned and focuses on small plates and a unique wine list.

I got there a few minutes before Jenna and Beka arrived and spent some time perusing the wine list and small plates. I decided on a Makulu Pinotage from South Africa for a glass of wine. The pinotage was fruity but had a nice full flavor, I would order this again.

When the girls got there we opted on a cheese plate and a meat plate to share among the three of us

And we coudn’t forget dessert, and heavenly it was. 3 homemade butterscotch chocolate chip cookies and a HUGE truffle.

I will be visiting again shortly! We had good wine, great services and even better conversations.…

Those who are able to achieve higher yields on their investments typically don’t have a broker and don’t listen to the advice of a financial planner. After all, if either of them knew what they were talking about they wouldn’t be hustling others into allowing them to learn the trade game off of other people’s money.

The reality is the few that have gained a comprehension for seeking out and getting involved with trades that open the floodgates to massive profits use their own money and operate as part of a small, tight knit group. The members of this ‘group’ always have their feelers out like tentacles sucking up and analyzing potential transactions, immediately looking for strategic elements and immediately dumping 99% as they don’t meet the criteria.

Two major components that professional investors who use their own money and are able to consistently pick winning transactions are companies that are in merger and/or acquisition mode and companies that are seeking seed capital specifically to go public.

Let’s focus on the latter. Companies seeking seed capital to go public are often financially viable companies with modest liquidity but are taking on seed investors so that they can meet the SEC minimum criteria of having 40 investors on the books to qualify for going public. Investors that are able to, literally, make millions per transaction have a way of getting into these opportunities by connecting with consultants who take companies public.

If you are able to get involved with these consulting firms and if you have some capital to designate as a seed investor, you can literally be placed in 4,5 or even 6+ pre IPO investments per year. When you are one of the 40 investors in a pre public OTCBB corporation you are usually investing seed capital at a fraction of the future public price by way of DPO (Direct Public Offering). The difference between what you pay for the seed stock and what the company charges per share when public is the profit.

It isn’t at all out of the ordinary to buy seed stock at 50 cents and have that stock gain in value of $1.00 to $1.50 when the company goes public and yes, you just made 50 cents to $1.00 net profit on each share. The great thing is you can often invest as a seed investor with as little as $5,000 to $10,000. If you have more capital you can spread it out over multiple pre-IPO opportunities. Seek out the pre- public companies and make a fortune!

For Corporate Turnaround Services or Take Your Company Public, call Princeton Corporate Solutions at 267-233-0183Take Your Company Public the easy way!…

Over the past few days I have had a similar conversation with 4 different girlfriend; body image. All of the discussions have focused on being healthy and achieving goals. No matter where someone is in their fitness journey they all have some of the same fears- failure. It makes me sad to see so many people struggle with body image and feelings of insecurity. Being healthy can be really hard but it is attainable! I know everyone has the ability to get to their end goal.

At happy hour last night with my friend Adrianne, we spent about 30 minutes talking about being happy and healthy. I shared my philosophy of eating what I want when I want but in moderation. Fruits and veggies are things I love and want to eat but if  I want a serving of chips or chocolate  I have it. Nothing is off limits, ever. I fit it in and do my best to live a healthy life. To me, that healthy life means going to the gym, doing yoga, lifting weights, eating whole foods and having the occasional treat.

Size doesn’t matter, it is how you feel.  I have seen women in the blog world talk about how they feel “heavy” at an “average” weight.  Really? I just do not understand that mentality. I try really hard to not engage in negative body talk and to just live my life while being healthy.  I am the happiest  I have been in years in all aspects of my life! I feel healthy, I like the way I look and I love that I have been working out consistently for almost 10 years.

In order to keep on my healthy plan I got a great workout in this morning, 30 minutes and 5 miles on the elliptical and a pretty intense leg workout of


-Leg Curls

-Leg Extension

-Leg Press

-Calf Raises

-Hamstring Curl

After my workout I grabbed the Smoothie of the Day Special at the gym. Today’s flavor was Raspberry Blueberry Ultimate Protein, pretty darn tasty.…

To keep up with the busy day I had a quick lunch at my desk while wrapping a few things up. A packed of Hickory Smoked Tuna, some radishes and a Pistachio Lara Bar. Quick and easy, and it will keep me pretty full for the afternoon.

Mike is picked me up at 4:30 and we are getting on the road to Wisconsin!…