How to Calibrate Android Phone Batteries Without Root
Batteries are an important component of any cellphone. Some vendors also recommend cell phone users to calibrate the battery to maintain the battery performance remains excellent.
Battery calibration can be done on phones running the Android or iPhone operating system. But there are several myths that surround this practice.
So, what is battery calibration? How to do it? Here’s how to calibrate the battery on an Android version without root which is summarized on:
1. What is Battery Calibration
To understand what battery calibration is you need to know how the cell phone battery works first. At present, most cellphones use lithium-ion (Li-ion) or lithium-polymer (Li-po) batteries.
Each cellphone battery has a smart chip that sends a signal that indicates what the current battery level is. Your Android phone receives this signal and displays it on the cellphone screen.
This smart chip tries to read how much energy is stored in the battery. For a more accurate reading, the chip must understand battery capacity. If the battery is completely empty up to 0%, then fully charged up to 100%, the chip will understand its capacity.
The more often you use your cellphone, the cellphone battery runs out and is charged at various points. This random method of using and charging can make chip readings inaccurate.
In essence, the chip and battery capacity at this point is not calibrated. To find out more accurate battery capacity, you need to do a calibration.
2. Cell Phone Battery Calibration Without Root
Battery calibration can usually be done on a rooted Android phone and uses a special application. But, if your cellphone isn’t rooted you can use the “physical” battery calibration method.
How to calibrate the battery on an Android phone without root is actually simple. First, empty the battery completely up to 0%.
Do not charge the cellphone while emptying the battery. Just leave the cellphone working until it finally turns itself off.
After the cellphone turns off, restart until it finally dies again. Even though the battery is at the 0% level, there are still a few backups stored.
In the case of a dead cellphone, the cellphone charge reaches the level of 100%. After it is completely full, unplug the charger and turn on the cellphone. The battery indicator may not show 100%, continue to charge the battery again until it reaches 100%, then unplug the charger.
One cycle of emptying the battery and filling it again to the full allows the chip to calibrate and read the battery indicator more accurately.
3. Myths About Battery Calibration
One of the myths about battery calibration that is widely believed is its benefits and functions. It is noteworthy, the benefits of battery calibration are not to increase battery life and life. Battery calibration only serves to obtain more accurate observations of battery life.
In addition, some battery calibration applications also often talk about the BatteryStats.bin file which can be found inside the Android system. Many people claim that deleting this file will improve performance and battery life, but this claim is wrong.
Google technicians have confirmed that deleting the BatteryStats.bin file has no impact on the battery level displayed or battery life.
This file only stores data about any services that use batteries when not in charge. This note is also always reset every time the battery is charged to 80% level and then removed from the charger.
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4. Battery Calibration, Need or Not?
Most Android phone users do not need to calibrate the battery. Because the combination of smart chips used by the battery and Android’s smart way of reading battery statistics is more than enough to read battery capacity accurately.
This smarter algorithm and sensor can help Android phones to calibrate batteries automatically without the need to do the above. Cell phone batteries will usually be calibrated automatically once they enter “low battery” mode and then fully charged.
You can calibrate the battery if you feel the battery level displayed is inaccurate. For example, if the cellphone initially displays the remaining 30% battery but in a short period of time drops to 5% and suddenly dies, it’s a sign of a battery that is not calibrated.
You can also calibrate the battery if when the cell phone is being charged the battery can be charged up to 80-90% quickly, but once it is removed and only used for a short time, the battery immediately decreases drastically.
Or if you use a cellphone that hasn’t been used for a long time. Before using a cell phone that has been stored for months it’s good to calibrate the battery.
Battery calibration is also not recommended to be done too often. Because lithium-ion batteries are emptied to the point where they can completely reduce battery life and life.